11:5-9.4 INSURANCE
9. Copies of the deed or other instruments establishing title in the developer or other record owner and any escrow agreement required pursuant to (a)3 above, and a current title search, title report, title insurance policy, title opinion from an independent attorney, or certificate or binder issued by a licensed title insurance company. The Commission may also require a copy of any agreement which grants the applicant the rights to dispose of the property interest on behalf of the title holder;
10. A statement or listing of any pending litigation, court orders, judgments or decrees which materially affect the sale or development of the offering or the financial stability of the applicant;
11. A statement that the lots, parcels, units or interests in the development will be offered to the public and sold or alienated without regard to marital status, sex, race, handicap, religion, familial status, color, ancestry, creed or national origin;
12. A statement of the present condition of access to the development and of the existence of any adverse conditions that affect the development, or unusual conditions relating to noise or safety which affect the development that are known to the applicant, or should reasonably be known, or are readily ascertainable;
13. Copies of all contracts, agreements and acknowledgements which a purchaser or lessee may be required to execute in connection with this offering;
14. In the event there is, or will be, a blanket encumbrance affecting the development or a portion thereof, a copy of the document creating it and a statement of the consequences to a purchaser of a failure of the person bound to fulfill the obligations under the instrument, and of the manner in which the interest of the purchaser is to be protected in the event of such eventuality;
15. The audited financial statements of the applicant for the fiscal year. The term “financial statements” includes, but is not limited to, the following statements: auditor’s report, balance sheet, statement of income, statement of changes in retained earnings, statement of changes in financial position, statement of changes in owner’s equity, notes to financial statements and current profit and loss statement. The filing of the audited consolidated financial statements of a parent company of an applicant may be permitted if the parent company is the registrant, applicant, co-registrant or guarantor. In the discretion of the Commission, it may accept or require alternative information evidencing the applicant’s ability to complete the promised improvements to the development in lieu of the audited financial statements;
16. A statement concerning any filing for or adjudication of bankruptcy during the last five years by or with regard to the applicant, its predecessor, parent or subsidiary company and any principal owning more than a 10 percent interest in the subdivision at the time of the filing of the application for registration. These requirements shall not extend to limited partners or those whose interests are solely those of passive investors;
17. Copies of all easements and restrictions of record and any easements or restrictions not of record which are within the applicant’s knowledge;
18. A statement as to the status of all applications for permits and/or compliance with any permits required or issued by any Federal, state, or local agencies or similar organisations which have the authority to regulate development or issue permits, approvals or licenses which may be material to the development, sale or other disposition of the lots, units, parcels or interests to be registered and the existing or proposed facilities, common areas or improvements thereof;
19. A statement indicating whether the applicant, or a parent or subsidiary of the applicant, or any of their current officers or principals have, during the past 10 years, or any of their former officers or principals have during the last two years been convicted of a crime involving any aspect of the real estate sales or real estate securities business in this State, the United States or any other state or foreign jurisdiction and whether the applicant has been subject to any permanent injunction or final administrative order restraining a false or misleading promotional plan involving real property disposition, or any final administrative order or judgement by any court finding that the applicant or any such persons have engaged in any unfair acts and/or fraudulent or deceptive practices involving the disposition of real property or of other products or services;
20. A copy of the proposed budget for the operation and maintenance of the common elements and facilities based upon full occupancy together with the estimated annual assessment and monthly charges to be assessed to each type of unit. If the proposed offering is a condominium or other interest in real estate that is subject to the authority of or to assessments by a homeowners association, or involves any common ownership interest, the budget shall specifically state the amount set aside as reserves for the replacement of the common elements and facilities, as certified by an independent public accountant, or property manager or other independent expert. The budget should also indicate whether the applicant is subsidizing the maintenance fee or plans to subsidize the maintenance fee during sales prior to transfer of control to any association, and if so, the amount of the subsidy and the probable effect of the applicant’s discontinuing the making of such payments upon the maintenance fee payable by each owner. The budget shall be accompanied by a letter of adequacy issued by an independent public accountant, or certified property manager, attesting that the budget was prepared in good faith and a letter from an independent insurance agent or broker confirming that the insurance coverage meets any standards required in the project documents and as required by situs state law;
21. A covering letter specifying the followin2 information with regard to the project:
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